Other Writing


  1. Non-abelian Hodge theory for the mapping class group seminar
  2. Stacky approach to de Rham cohomology for the prismatic seminar
  3. Partial differential equations and \(n\)-th order differential equations for the STAGE seminar
  4. Langlands-Tunnell theorem for the modularity seminar
  5. Taylor-Wiles deformations for the modularity seminar
  6. Weil-Deligne representations for the Local Langlands seminar
  7. Parabolic Wakimoto modules for the seminar on the center of Kac-Moody algebras
  8. Steenrod algebras for the chromatic homotopy seminar
  9. Bloch-Gabber-Kato theorem


  1. Is All Learning (Natural) Gradient Descent?, with Lucas Shoji and Leo Kozachkov [arXiv:2409.16422]