Call of the Month: February, 1994
Shape Changers, part 2
Back in July, we talked about shape changers—calls that change which spots on the floor the dancers occupy. I promised that we'd look a little more at shape changers, and that we'd see why they're important at various levels of square dancing. We'll do that this month.
First, let's do a quick review. The spots on the floor that the dancers occupy are called footprints. We aren't concerned about the direction the footprints face; we only care where they are. A call is a shape changer if and only if the footprints occupied after the call is done are not the same as the ones occupied when the call started. In PASS THRU, for instance, the dancers take each other's footprints, so the call is not a shape changer. HINGE, on the other hand, is a shape changer, because the footprints change. Remember also that shape changing and formation changing are two different things. A call such as TOUCH ¼, which changes facing lines to right-handed columns, changes the formation. But TOUCH ¼ does not change the shape; the footprints remain the same, and the 4-across, 2-down shape of the formation remains the same.
It's that last part that's the key to the whole idea of shape changing. Is our formation wide, or is it tall? That's one way to look at 2x4 formations, and if we started off wide and ended tall, we've changed the shape. How many dancers are in a row in our formation? If we started off in a 2x4 formation and ended up in a 1x8 (such as after CAST OFF ¾ from a right-handed column), we've changed the shape. The first important point about shape changing is that awareness of it gives you help in knowing what formation you'll end the call in. That's help, not a crutch, because the ending formation of many calls depends upon the starting formation, and there are calls that are shape changers from some starting formations but not from others (can you think of some? We'll talk more about that later).
The real importance of knowing about shape changing comes at the
Challenge levels, when you must work
with distorted formations.
instance, in the C2 concepts of PARALLELOGRAMS and OFFSET
LINES it's important to know what a call has done to the shape,
not just to the formation itself. In PARALLELOGRAMS, we have
lines (or columns) that are shifted so that the people
in front of
in the line are actually on a diagonal (see the diagram). In
OFFSET LINES the people next to us
are shifted on a
diagonal. Note what happens when we PASS THRU (not a shape
changer) and then BEND THE LINE (a shape changer) from a
parallelogram. The first leaves us in a parallelogram; the second
converts the parallelogram to offset lines. For simple calls like
those, there's not much of a problem figuring out where you should
go. For more complicated calls, we have to remove the distortion so
that we don't get lost, and when we're done we have to know how to
put the distortion back.
Let's try the call FAN THE TOP from our facing line
First, make note of the offset—which direction is
the formation shifted? Now everyone step to a tidal wave (you have
to move diagonally to get to the people
in front
of you). The
centers of each side CAST OFF ¾ while the ends of
each side move up, and we end in waves. But now we have to put back
the offset. If we correctly remembered that the right half of the
formation was shifted down, we can shift the ending formation that
way and end in offset waves. But note that it's much easier to do
that on paper than it is to do it while you're dancing. When you're
dancing you have to remember that the side near the caller is
shifted toward a particular wall, and that's usually done by
picking a diagonal of the room and orienting yourself against it.
It takes practice, and even then it can be quite difficult. But
knowing whether the shape has changed will help, by telling
you whether to look for a parallelogram or offset lines. You can
see why Challenge level dancing got its name; many of the phantom
and distorted formations are quite challenging indeed, and they
require a good deal of spacial awareness and experience to
Now for a bit of a quiz. I said earlier that some calls are shape changers from some formations but not from others. Can you name any? In particular, what are the lowest-level calls you can think of that do that (and what are the starting formations)? I'll give you my answers next month.
The columns are copyright ©1991, 1992, 1993, and 1994 by Barry Leiba; for permission to reprint them, please contact the author. No request has been refused yet. Of course, you may print a copy for personal use without specific permission. You may contact the author by e-mail at "".
These columns were originally sponsored on the web by the IAGSDC on space provided by Glyphic Technology. In 2006, Tech Squares took over hosting. Some information in the articles might be out-of-date: remember that Callerlab continues to tweak the program lists and definitions.