Ellison Hall, Plymouth Church
87 Edgell Rd, Framingham Center
Take the Mass Pike to Exit 13, Rte 30, Framingham. This is the first exit west of Rte 128/I-95. From Cambridge, toll is $0.50 in Brighton, $0.70 at Exit 13.
After paying toll, veer right to get on Rte 30 West. Stay on Rte 30 for 1.5 miles until it merges with Rte 9.
After 0.8 mile on Rte 9 (Worcester Rd), exit before the overpass at Trolley Sq. Shopping Center at Framingham Center. The exit sign says "Rte 30 west".
At the first lights at the top of the ramp, turn right onto Edgell Rd.
Plymouth Church is the first church on the right: tall, red brick, and set back from the road. The driveway is on the left (far) side of the church.
Turn right behind the church. At the end of the parking lot, Plymouth House is ahead and to the right. The door to Ellison Hall is on the far right.
Takes 40 minutes from MIT.
[checked Feb 1998]
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