Yu Ma

Yu Ma

Ph.D. Candidate
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Operations Research Center

Email: midsumer (at) mit (dot) edu

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About Me

Hi there! I’m currently a 5th year PhD student at the MIT Operations Research Center, advised by Professor Dimitris Bertsimas. My research focuses on the development of novel artificial intelligence and operations research methodologies to address significant problems in healthcare operations and policy. Driven by a commitment to create real-world impact, I have implemented three of my works in practice in Hartford Healthcare, the largest hospital system in Connecticut. I also am very fortunate to be recognized by as a Takeda Fellow.

I am on the 2024-2025 Academic Job Market!

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Integrative Artificial Intelligence

* (star) indicates first or lead PhD author.

For transparency, all co-first authors, or authors with higher orders will be displayed

IF indicates 5-year/latest impact factor for medical journals

Responsible Optimization and Machine Learning

Analytics-Driven Clinical Policy Making



Everyone learns twice: first from being taught, and again from teaching others. Re-learning familiar knowledge through the eyes of vastly different students—each with unique background, academic interest, and even personality—adds depth to my own understanding. I often find this teaching experience very much like a research project itself, what motivates and fascinates each individual is drastically different, but finding a common ground, and further building on them, can almost always lead to pleasant surprises.

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