James Gabbard

PhD Candidate and Researcher | MIT Mechanical Engineering


Hello! I am a computational scientist and a doctoral candidate in the MIT Van Rees Lab working towards a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and Computation with a minor in Statistical Inference. My research focuses on computational fluid dynamics and multiphysics simulations. I work primarily with scientific software and high performance computers, developing new numerical methods and using them to simulate fluid flows with immersed solid bodies.


J. Gabbard, T. Gillis, P. Chatelain, and W. M. van Rees. An immersed interface method for the 2D vorticity-velocity Navier-Stokes equations with multiple bodies. Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 464, p. 111339, 2022. [pdf] [appendix] [doi]

J. Gabbard. An immersed interface method for incompressible flow with moving boundaries and high order time integration. Master’s Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2020. [pdf]

B. Conrey, J. Gabbard, K. Grant, A. Liu, K. Morrison. Intransitive Dice. Mathematics Magazine, Apr. 2016. [doi]

Conference Presentations

J. Gabbard, W. M. van Rees. A High-Order Immersed Interface Method for 3D Transport Equations. APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Nov. 2022.

J. Gabbard, T. Gillis, W. M. van Rees. A High-Order 3D Immersed Interface Method for Smooth Nonconvex Geometries. North American High Order Methods Conference, 2022.

J. Gabbard, T. Gillis, W. M. van Rees. Implementation and Scalability of a High-Order Immersed Interface Method on HPC Architectures. SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing, Feb. 2022

J. Gabbard, W. M. van Rees. An immersed interface vortex method for internal and external 2D flows with moving boundaries. APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Nov. 2020