I am a Ph.D. candidate in the MIT Department of Mathematics. My work spans several different fields, with an emphasis on applied mathematics and fluid dynamics. I have a few current projects centered around these topics. On one front, I am working to develop a new sub-grid-scale model for stratified turbulence, aiming to improve the efficiency and accuracy of ocean modelling. On another front, I am working to understand hydrodynamic analogues of quantum mechanics, and more specifically, to investigate which quantum phenomena can be closely approximated with classical models.
I graduated from MIT in 2022 with a B.S. in Mathematics, with a minor in German Studies. Afterwards, I studied in Cambridge University (Churchill College) under a Churchill Scholarship, and I graduated with an M.Phil. in Scientific Computing. My work in Cambridge was primarily oceanographic in nature, developing a new sub-grid-scale model for highly stratified flows in nature. There, I studied under the supervision of Professor Colm Caulfield, with external supervision by Professor Gregory Chini (University of New Hampshire).
Unlike in classical mechanics, quantum systems often have a discrete set of possible states, such as the "s", "d", "p", or "f" orbitals in an atom. To understand a quantum system, then, the goal is to find and characterize all of these states. But in many problems, we aren't actually interested in all of the possible states; we want to find states that satisfy certain criteria. For instance, if we want to understand how an electron scatters off a nucleus, we need to identify the quantum states that travel outward from the nucleus as waves. If we want to understand how a given electronic state responds to a local defect in a crystal, we want to find the quantum states that resemble our known solution away from the defect.
We have employed our algorithm here to identify eigenstates of the Laplacian that approximately carry a five-point symmetry. Our algorithm returns the top three states shown, but not the bottom three.
These problems – any many others – can be formulated as a certain "eigenproblem" with linear constraints. That is, if we have a Hilbert space, a Hermitian operator on that space, and a closed subspace, can we find all of the eigenvectors of our operator that lie nearby (i.e., within a given tolerance to) the closed subspace? Along with Jeffrey Ovall (Portland State University), I am developing an approach to solve this class of problems efficiently, and showing how it applies to a wide variety of practical scientific problems.
Many key fluid flows in nature—including the atmosphere and the deep ocean—are stratified, meaning that their density varies significantly in the vertical direction. However, stratified turbulence gives rise to a separation of scales that precludes traditional methods of simulation, and so large-scale, accurate models of these flows remain outside our reach, even with current technology.
A model flow of Froude number 0.03, Reynolds number 1100; despite the large Reynolds number, the strong stratification here brings the flow to a steady state. Our NCQL algorithm provides a significant improvement over the existing MTQL algorithm for strongly stratified flows.
However, Chini et al. recently developed a "multi-timescale quasi-linear" (MTQL) algorithm to model such flows in the stratified limit; MTQL reduces and splits the Boussinesq system into a mean and fluctuating flow, drastically reducing the computation time needed to model a stratified flow. In my Master's dissertation at Cambridge—and in ongoing work—I have developed an improved, "non-linear cascading quasi-linear" (NCQL) approach to model these flows. Using weakly nonlinear theory, NCQL directly models the forward energy cascade of stratified flows, achieving significant improvements over MTQL in the moderately and highly stratified regimes (pictured above).
A central focus of my work at MIT is the investigation of hydrodynamic quantum analogues, and particularly the "walking" oil droplet system of Couder and Fort. These walking droplets exhibit a wide variety of quantum-like features: stable spin states and quantised orbits, Bohm-like "surreal trajectories", and Fraunhofer-like diffraction patterns, among others.
Our new, Lagrangian pilot-wave model is able to reproduce many of the key properties of de Broglie's early "double solution" proposal for quantum mechanics: internal particle oscillations at the Compton scale, the de Broglie momentum-wavevector relations, and de Broglie's "harmony of phases" between the particle and wave.
My work lies on the theoretical end of this project; though these droplets exhibit qualitative similarities to quantum mechanics, they often fall short in achieving quantitative agreement. Through analytical and numerical approaches, I am investigating which quantum phenomena can be closely approximated with techniques of classical field theory.
MIT PRIMES and MIT PRIMES USA are free, year-long programs organized by MIT to engage highly-talented high school students in novel mathematical research, under the guidance of faculty, post-docs, and graduate students. I have been involved in this program both as a student (in 2017) and as a mentor (since 2021), and have advised three research programs so far.
Skyler Mao is an MIT PRIMES 2024 student, investigating the connection between droplet and wave statistics in hydrodynamic quantum analogues. Although it has been widely observed that the time-averaged wave field correlates strongly with the long-time statistics of the droplet, a rigorous correspondence has only been demonstrated in simple geometries and with simple droplet models. Skyler has extended this work immensely, using techniques from functional analysis to prove an infinite-dimensional analogue of Floquet's theorem, and thus proving a wide-reaching correspondence between particle and wave statistics in pilot-wave systems.
Skyler has been named a Regeneron STS Top 300 Scholar for his work.
Eric Chen and Alex Zitzewitz are MIT PRIMES 2022 students, investigating the "accessory parameter problem" for the complex-analytic Heun equation. For large classes of Heun equations (generalizing the Lamé equation, for which similar results were proved by Beukers), they proved a strong connection between unitarity of the underlying monodromy group and traces of certain monodromy matrices.
We have since extended this work to characterize all second-order, linear, holomorphic differential equations (on arbitrary Riemann surfaces) that have unitary monodromy groups. The new result solves the accessory parameter problem in full.
Andrew Du is an MIT PRIMES 2021 student, adapting recent techniques in inverse dynamics to build a dynamical model of the human arm. Specifically, combining a quaternion screw algebra formulism developed by Dumas et al. with novel models of human musculature, he developed an efficient, simple way to calculate kinematic and dynamic quantities associated with arm motion.
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