Arsam Aryandoust


I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the MIT Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, where my focus lies at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Climate Change. Before joining MIT, I completed my doctoral studies on AI for the renewable energy transition at ETH Zurich, a topic that continues to inform my current research endeavors.

Addressing Climate Change isn't just a scientific challenge but a profound moral obligation. It's about preserving billions of lives, safeguarding our ecosystems, and ensuring the continuity and flourishing of human society in its rich complexity. I firmly believe that AI must be harnessed if we want to solve Climate Change rapidly. Nevertheless, the number of experts currently engaged in this vital work compared with other application domains is alarmingly low. I am hence passionate about encouraging more engineers to join this global effort and provide them with research opportunities wherever I can.

My approach is to develop safe and secure AI software that can have an immediate impact in our battle against Climate Change. I believe that these solutions require a holistic and interdisciplinary approach, which makes me excited to be located at the new MIT Schwarzman College of Computing.

Scholar  /  Github  /  Python  /  Docker  /  Harvard Dataverse  /  Hugging Face 🤗

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My research interest covers the broad field of developing and enhancing AI for tackling Climate Change. My focus, however, is currently on renewable power systems due to their urgency for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Recently, I have also started to learn more about the applications of AI in sustainable material discovery and negative emission technologies.

Artificial Intelligence for the renewable energy transition
Arsam Aryandoust
ETH Zurich, 2023

Artificial Intelligence and its subfield of Machine Learning are excellent tools for expressing the world in numbers, discovering their patterns, and designing solutions based on these in higher dimensions than visible to our human eyes and for higher complexity than understandable for us humans otherwise. We show that this also holds for transforming energy and tackling climate change.

Enhanced spatio-temporal electric load forecasts using less data with active deep learning
Arsam Aryandoust, Anthony Patt, Stefan Pfenniner
Nature Machine Intelligence 4, 977-991, 2022
Github / PyPI / Docker / Dataverse

We develop an active deep learning algorithm that makes better spatio-temporal predictions of electric load with less data compared to traditional passive deep learning algorithms.

City-scale car traffic and parking density maps from Uber Movement travel time data
Arsam Aryandoust, Oscar van Vliet, Anthony Patt
Scientific Data 6, 158, 2019
Github / PyPI / Docker / Dataverse

We develop a Hidden Markov Model that is able to infer accurate city-scale car traffic and parking density maps from Origin-Destination travel changes.

The potential and usefulness of demand response to provide electricity system services
Arsam Aryandoust, Johan Lilliestam
Applied Energy, 204 (15), 749-766, 2017

We demonstrate why Demand Response technology has remarkable potentials for providing electricity system services on short time-scales, but not on long time-scales.


I enjoy doing indoor and outdoor sports to balance out long days of work at the computer. I also enjoy exploring new disciplines on a regular basis.


The sports that I am most passionate about is Boxing. I started boxing at the early age of 13, which is the reason I consider it to be my main athletic discipline. Recently, I have also started to learn how to throw and defend kicks, and become more familiar with elements of Kickboxing.

Credits for the design of this website go to Jon Barron for making the source code of his website publicly available.