Ruicheng Ao 敖睿成
About MeI'm a second year Ph.D. candidate in the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS) of MIT. I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. David Simchi-Levi. My current research focuses on online decision making, encompassing online resource allocation problems and experimental design. I'm interested in exploring data-driven theoretical and algorithmic frameworks with practical applications in various fields, including revenue management, service systems, and sequential hypothesis testing. Before joining MIT, I was advised by Prof. Zaiwen Wen, Prof. Yuejie Chi and Prof. Jing Dong. I received my bachelor's degree from School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University in July 2023. Spring 2025, I'm working as research assistant (RA) in Prof. Thomas Magnanti's group for industry project concerning EV charger scheduling. |